Unser Helpdesk. Alles rund um IT.
Wie können wir Ihnen helfen?
Wobei benötigen Sie unsere Hilfe?
Beschreiben Sie uns Ihr Anliegen.
Can you grow into an all-round engineering success?
It starts with just five minutes of your time.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
Want a career that’s equal parts stability and adventure?
Employeneurship could be your best next step.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
Want to be inspired and motivated daily?
Tell us what you specialize in.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
How can we make it exciting?
Let’s get you out of that comfort zone.
Can you grow into an all-round engineering success?
It starts with just five minutes of your time.
We really appreciate your time and effort
And we’d like to give you some of ours.
Want to get to know the people you’ll be brainstorming with?
Tell us what you specialize in.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
Want a career that’s equal parts stability and adventure?
Employeneurship could be your best next step.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
What makes an engineer great?
Let’s see what you’re aiming for.
Are you ready for some serious commitment?
Tell us what field of engineering you are devoted to.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
Are we missing you in our group of excellent specialists?
Tell us what field of engineering you’re working in.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
Do you have it in you to be considered the best in your field?
Five minutes of your time gives us an idea.
We appreciate your interest in TMC
And we hope you like what you’ve seen so far.
Learn more
Unser Helpdesk-Ticketing-System dient als zentrale Anlaufstelle für den IT Service Desk. Mit unserem Helpdesk erhalten Sie „Hilfe“ und Support bei Systemstörungen.
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People drive technological innovation. Specifically those with a passion for all aspects of technology and a fascination for breakthroughs. We bring these exceptional people together, hire and assess them and optimize the conditions for their further development. In projects for our customers and through our dedicated training and coaching program.
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Okay, here’s what happens.
We’ve compiled 16 real-life work situations. Your response helps you to assess what you’re already great at, and what skills could use some work. Consider it a head start in Employeneurship.
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We’ve said it before: Employeneurs are a special breed of engineers. Do you master your craft, and have courage, passion and vision to boot? You are welcome at TMC, at the very least to see for yourself where we can go from here.
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Projects and workplaces can come and go. But your fellow engineers at TMC are here to stay. They are a permanent resource of knowledge and experience, just as they’ll appeal to your findings. Together you form a close-knit network that’s available at all times.
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We want you to do what you do best: drive technology forward. That takes a lot of focus with minimal distraction. That’s why we offer all our engineers continuity and stability in the form of a long-term contract and secure income. Quite unique in the highly volatile and project-oriented world of high tech. But let’s not get too comfortable here. Prepare to be challenged continuously, as we will push you to develop and grow.
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Okay, here’s what happens.
We’ve compiled 16 real-life work situations. Your response helps you to assess what you’re already great at, and what skills could use some work. Consider it a head start in Employeneurship.
Learn more
Projects and workplaces can come and go. But your fellow engineers at TMC are here to stay. They are a permanent resource of knowledge and experience, just as they’ll appeal to your findings. Together you form a close-knit network that’s available at all times.
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We’ve said it before: Employeneurs are a special breed of engineers. Do you master your craft, and have courage, passion and vision to boot? You are welcome at TMC, at the very least to see for yourself where we can go from here.
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The people who work at TMC are outstanding technical professionals driving research, development and engineering projects of our customers. And even though they may operate in vastly different fields, the traits they have in common make them —as we’ve stated before— a special breed, which you’ll soon find out during numerous projects in our Entrepreneurial Lab and frequent pizza sessions.
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Projects and workplaces can come and go. But your fellow engineers at TMC are here to stay. They are a permanent resource of knowledge and experience. These are the people that share your passion for the big impact and the nitty-gritty details of your specialism.
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People drive technological innovations. Specifically those people with a passion for all aspects of technology and a fascination for breakthroughs. We bring these exceptional individuals together in a cell-like structure, focused on your specific niche in engineering, research or development.
Learn more
So here’s what happens.
We’ve compiled 16 real-life work situations. Your response helps you to assess what you’re already great at, and what skills could use some work. Consider it a head start in Employeneurship.
Learn more
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Wie können wir Ihnen Helfen?
Can you grow into an all-round engineering success?
Want a career that’s equal parts stability and adventure?
Want to be inspired and motivated daily?
How can we make it exciting?
Can you grow into an all-round engineering success?
Want to get to know the people you’ll be brainstorming with?
Want a career that’s equal parts stability and adventure?
What makes an engineer great?
Are you ready for some serious commitment?
Are we missing you in our group of excellent specialists?
Do you have it in you to be considered the best in your field?
Contact one of our directors
Unser Helpdesk-Ticketing-System dient als zentrale Anlaufstelle für den IT Service Desk. Mit unserem Helpdesk erhalten Sie „Hilfe“ und Support bei Systemstörungen.
People drive technological innovation. Specifically those with a passion for all aspects of technology and a fascination for breakthroughs. We bring these exceptional people together, hire and assess them and optimize the conditions for their further development. In projects for our customers and through our dedicated training and coaching program.
Test 1 Headline
Test 1 Content.
What else would you need?
Okay, here’s what happens.
We’ve compiled 16 real-life work situations. Your response helps you to assess what you’re already great at, and what skills could use some work. Consider it a head start in Employeneurship.
Good call
Long-term success in the industry of technology is about more than knowledge. It takes structural attention to personal and professional development, and lots of it. For that sole purpose we offer our staff and Employeneurs (that's right)