In case of insufficient security, the managing director can be held personally liable in case of damage, both civil and criminal. Act now and talk to our IT experts about the security of your IT and your data.
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IT security and the protection of networks and access is a particularly sensitive and current topic for companies of all sizes. Especially in times of increasing globalization, increasing mobility and dependence on information and communication technology, security requirements are steadily increasing.
In case of insufficient security, the managing director can be held personally liable in case of damage, both civil and criminal. Act now and talk to our IT experts about the security of your IT and your data.
Nowadays, you do not have to be an IT expert to make malicious software like viruses and other malicious software. In the meantime, various kits and manuals can be found on the Internet that make the programming of viruses child's play. Electronic crime is on the rise. Traditional criminal organizations have now discovered the potential of electronic crime and are increasingly active in this area.
Computer viruses are programmed by criminals to use for illegal purposes. These viruses are usually distributed on PCs to take control of the infected computers and then use them, for example, for illegal spam and DoS attacks, or spy on data - such. also happened in the Bundestag. There are now botnets with several thousands of infected computers used for such illegal activities.
We offer a number of different preventive technical tools that allow less scope for criminal activity. With sophisticated firewalls, reliable on-going installation of updates, intrusion detection systems and policy policies, we provide the IT and security necessary network and computer security for your business. We want to protect you from Internet threats. Let us show you how we can help you.
With our partners in the field of security, we have now expanded our business to advanced cyber security services, providing our customers with powerful, secure and effective systems to protect against current and future cyber threats. No less important is reliable data security and high availability of your data. Also in this area we can offer our customers optimal solutions in cooperation with our partners.
Electronic crime is on the rise. Traditional criminal organizations have now discovered the potential of electronic crime and are increasingly active in this area.
Computer viruses are programmed by criminals to use for illegal purposes. There are now botnets with several thousands of infected computers used for such illegal activities.
With sophisticated firewalls, reliable on-going installation of updates, intrusion detection systems and policy policies, we provide the IT and security necessary network and computer security for your business.
As an employer and partner to the IT industry, we understand our impact on the lives and careers of our employees and the performance of our customers. In order to do our best, we pursue topics that are important at both industry and organizational and personal levels, and participate in them.